harm reduction coalition
Harm Reduction Coalition (HRC) is a national advocacy and capacity-building organization that promotes the health and dignity of individuals and communities impacted by drug use. HRC's efforts advance harm reduction policies, practices, and programs that address the adverse effects of drug use including: overdose, HIV, hepatitis C, addiction, and incarceration.
HRC is the legally contracted fiscal sponsor of OCRF. While OCRF is operating under the fiscal sponsorship of HRC: OCRF is an internal program of HRC, HRC's Board of Directors has legal control and ultimate oversight responsibility over OCRF, OCRF will fundraise under HRC’s tax-exempt status, and HRC is providing OCRF with general & administrative support. Beyond the basic terms of the fiscal sponsorship arrangement, OCRF relies on the expert knowledge of HRC staff in the course of triaging the highest-and-best funding opportunities for naloxone distribution nationwide. Executives of HRC and OCRF expect that OCRF will be incubated within HRC, and then spun out as an independent entity with the funds it has raised and the IP is has created. Following spin-out, all parties expect that HRC and OCRF will maintain their close working partnership.
Open society foundations
The Open Society Foundations (OSF) work to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people. OSF seeks to strengthen the rule of law; respect for human rights, minorities, and a diversity of opinions; democratically elected governments; and a civil society that helps keep government power in check.
The Open Society Public Health Program works to build societies where all people enjoy health and human rights. OSF works to fight discrimination and abuse in health care and support communities that receive minimal or substandard care because of who they are—including Roma and other minorities, transgender and intersex people, people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities, sex workers, people who use drugs, and migrants and refugees. OSF also seeks to advance this inclusive vision by reclaiming health as a public good—so that health care is available to all, laws and policies governing health are transparent and democratically accountable, and medical innovation delivers solutions that are accessible to everyone, from affordable medicines to palliative care.
OCRF is supported in part through a grant from the Open Society Foundations.